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PetroFlame Oilfield Services provides a comprehensive range of logistics services to support the oil and gas industry in Yemen. These services include:

Manpower services: PetroFlame Oilfield Services provides skilled and experienced manpower services to meet the needs of its clients in the oil and gas industry. The company’s workforce is trained to handle a wide range of tasks, from drilling and production to transportation and logistics.

Handling and customs clearance: PetroFlame Oilfield Services offers handling and customs clearance services to ensure that all materials and equipment are properly cleared for import and export. The company has extensive experience in handling a wide range of materials, including hazardous materials, and has a proven track record of success in managing logistics for its clients.

Accommodation: The company provides accommodation services to support the needs of its clients’ workforce. The accommodation solutions offered by PetroFlame Oilfield Services are designed to provide a safe and comfortable living environment for workers, with a focus on quality and affordability.

Industrial safety and tools: PetroFlame Oilfield Services offers a wide range of industrial safety and tools services to ensure that its clients’ operations are conducted safely and efficiently. The company provides safety equipment, training, and support services to help its clients meet their safety and compliance requirements.

Plantation: The company also offers plantation services to support the needs of its clients’ operations. The plantation solutions provided by PetroFlame Oilfield Services include landscaping, irrigation, and other services to ensure that the area around the oil and gas facilities is well-maintained and aesthetically pleasing.

Overall, PetroFlame Oilfield Services is committed to providing logistics services that meet the unique needs and requirements of its clients in the oil and gas industry. With a team of experienced professionals and modern equipment, the company is well-equipped to handle all aspects of logistics and support for its clients’ operations.

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